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Reported by Star of Hope Romania

Family from Iasi center

We are Mariana and Daniel Darie, we have been married for 13 years. My husband Daniel is working as a driver and I'm a personal assistant for my child. Cristian, was born 8 and half years ago. We have dreamed so much about having this child and it's the only one we have. At the age of three Cristian was diagnosed with ADHD syndrome and later appeared autism element's. Even if it was hard, the boundaries in our family are very strong and we have support from our parents, from our friend and from Star of Hope Foundation where Cristian is doing therapy.

Mariana and Daniel Darie

This is the first time we have come to this kind of conference. This is was a very nice experience for us because we shared our life experiences with many other parents. It was a very good time for us because we were surrounded by special people who just made us feel very emotionally comfortable. Everything that took place in this conference: the conference organization, the translators it was all very well done. We wish we can join this kind of conference again in the future. After this experience our relation as husband and wife has been improved, we strengthen our basic family values. We learned how to be more open to each other and how to appreciate what we have, to be more receptive to people's needs.


Profiri family from Iasi center

I came to this conference with my husband and our three children. Bianca is 4 years old and she is very happy because she met new children. She was also enthusiastic by the nature and by the employers of Star of Hope Foundation which have been very open to her needs. Filip is our two year little boy which was born with Down syndrome. He certainly felt love by the people who walked him and who played with him while we were discussing at the parents meetings. Teodora is the youngest member of our family. She is one month old and I'm happy that I had the chance to come here with my whole family.


Profiri family

I'm getting back home full of enthusiasm and with more strength knowing that 25 000 women are praying with me and because we know that God sees us, He hears us and He doesn't stay indifferent. After this experience i'm going home with the will of showing much more love for each member of my family. I have lived with God for nine years and I was always sure that He was preparing me for a great mission. I'm still searching the way God could use me in this mission serving the people around me. One thing is for sure: the prayer that comes from an innocent heart is much more than anything I could do. I have to thank you for the fact that you are supporting my family and praying for it and because you gave me the chance to fill up my soul this weekend that I spent in Sucevita.

Testimony of Iasi mother

It was a new experience for me this kind of conference. I was impressed by the fact that everyone was treated equally, beyond social position and status that we have. I was also impressed by the life stories of the guest from abroad and their capacity to overcome the heavies moments of their' s life. These three days were very sweet, it was a period of relaxation in which we could detach from everyday problems. I thank God for having allowed to come into our existence the special people from Star of Hope Foundation which always give us support and help.

Munteanu family from Iasi

We want to thank the team of Star of Hope Foundation which gave us always the strength to go on when we thought that everything was broken-down. Octav, our boy which has Down syndrome, bound us much more as a family. We believe that we are today here with you, because we are a family chosen by God to attend His plan.

Husi mother

Although I'm a mother of two healthy children, sitting in this conference made me understand how much I should thank God for the blessing received. I was impressed a lot of the mothers whose children has disability. Now, I will not remain indifferent when I'll meet this kind of situations and I'll try to get involved both emotionally and financially.

Husi mother

I felt very well in these three days, Ii learned new things and I heard that there are a lot of people which struggle like us for their children. For us as a family it is the first time when we go out together; this brought us more closer, we are more united. Before we came to the center of Star of Hope Foundation we did not know what to do with our child. We've prayed a lot that God show us what to do with our child, to open me a door. Shortly after my prayer, I met the Star of Hope team, some wonderful people who gave us strength as parents and support for our child. Thank you for the support that we have received and for this wonderful time spent together during these three days.

Dorohoi mother

This conference gave us support and strengthened our faith. Here, on this conference I met new people and I shared impressions with the others parents. This experience will make me able to say to others that a child whatever it is, is a gift from God. I have no words to thank Star of Hope Foundation team for having organized this conference and gave me the chance to participate in it.

Father from Iasi

These three days were a period of relaxation; we have time to think of our souls, to be closer to God and to forget the everyday worries. It was very good that we were together mothers and fathers, because we succeeded to get closer.

Father from Barlad

I want to thank Star of Hope Foundation and to the sponsors for the organization and for the opportunity that gave us the possibility to be together. I was really impressed by all the activities. In these three days I received only positive energy to go on and to be able to overcome the life problems.





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