
Since our inception in 1978, Star of Hope has been deeply committed to making a meaningful impact in Haiti, a nation facing immense challenges as the poorest country in the Americas. Our presence is felt through the establishment of seven school projects, which stand as beacons of hope, providing education and nutritious meals to more than 3,500 children across the country. These schools serve not only as centers of learning but also as crucial hubs for addressing pervasive issues such as malnutrition and the health risks associated with contaminated water sources.

In times of crisis and disaster, our organization has stood as a steadfast source of relief and support for communities in need. Our swift response mechanisms have provided crucial aid to those affected by natural disasters, offering solace and assistance during their darkest hours. Moreover, our ongoing efforts to combat malnutrition and disease have been instrumental in safeguarding the health and well-being of countless Haitian children and families.

Beyond immediate relief efforts, our initiatives aim to foster sustainable change and long-term development within Haiti. One such initiative is our annual distribution of livestock, which plays a vital role in uplifting the living standards of vulnerable families across the nation. By providing families with livestock such as goats and chickens, we empower them with a sustainable source of income and nutrition, paving the way for greater economic stability and self-sufficiency.

However, our work in Haiti is far from over, and we cannot achieve our goals alone. Your support is instrumental in ensuring the continued success of our projects and the fulfillment of our mission to create positive and lasting change in Haiti. Together, we can provide hope, opportunity, and a brighter future for the children and families who need it most in Haiti. Join us in our journey to transform lives and build a better tomorrow for Haiti.

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Våra sju skolprojekt tar emot över 3 500 barn som får utbildning och näringsriktig skolmat som motverkar utbredda problem med undernäring. Vid varje skola finns första hjälpen-lådor och rent vatten som alla i byn kan ta del av. Det skyddar dem från de sjukdomar som smutsigt vatten för med sig.

Vi står alltid redo att rycka ut när katastrofer drabbar folket, som vid jordbävningarna 2010 och 2021.

Varje år delar vi ut boskapsdjur till barnen i byarna. Djuren blir en stor tillgång som höjer familjernas levnadsstandard. Varje barn som får ett djur lovar att ge bort dess första unge till en annan behövande familj, och på så vis når hjälpen fler för varje år.

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