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Give a Romanian Mom a gift she desperately needs.

Yes! we will support the conference in 2013, the following information is from the 2012 series. Please check back for updated information or give now to the 2013 event. (Aug 21 2012)

For decades, children born with physical & mental disabilities were viewed as subhuman and forced into institutions. The parents had NO choice. When the dictator was deposed the world saw the barbaric conditions under which these children lived. Now the trend is shifting.Women are allowed to keep their children but they are in need of educational, mental and spiritual support.

Star of Hope Romania Foundation is an active change agent. Visiting occupational therapists, physical therapists, specialist teachers and others provide a transfer of knowledge to the Romanian health professionals and authorities which in many areas change their way of working.They actively work to affect the public opinion and attitudes of health professionals and political leaders toward these children with special needs.

Star of Hope Romania recognizes and addresses the needs of the mothers of these children. They sponsor a Christian Women's Conference every year to encourage mothers of special needs children in their faith while providing knowledge and skills on caring for their child.

They are making preparations for the 3rd annual conference. It is a difficult thing for these women to attend such a conference. They need the time of fellowship and learning but they also feel the money is better spent purchasing food for their children. But, just as in this country, they, too, need a time to retreat to a time of fellowship for spiritual and physical renewal. It is a very poor and harsh country. They need our help and support.

"My name is Stefaniu and I have a boy with Down Syndrome and a heart malformation. I have been invited to the conference in 2011. I can say that these were first steps for me, the first conference I attended and I consider that the work and the effort of the organizers are very helpful to mothers that go through these life experiences and try to overcome critical situations. Personally, I consider myself lucky to benefit from the guidance and the mor- al support from Star of Hope Romania. These conferences make one know, understand and accept this type of life, of which I personally am still affraid, but I keep hoping.The conference was titled 'Victorious Women" and I hope that we can succeed to defeat the fear of the unknown. I thank everybody."


Please also download the project description, then you can print or share the project information with your family and friends.


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A Romanian Mother who needs help from you

More kids need help by helping their MOM


To send 100 mothers of special-needs children to the two-day Christian Women's Conference in August 2012,

To help teach them how to care for their children,

To provide an opportunity to meet other women in similar circumstances so they no longer feel isolated,To enjoy the fellowship of other Christian women,

To be spiritually renewed, and To benefit from mental and physical rest.

map romania to guide you to help a mom

Mothers Stories

Carmin's Story

Catalina's Story


Did you know that...

18 landerYour generosity expands Star of Hope's reach to 15 countries worldwide. Thanks to you, we're making a global impact.

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Because of people like you, more than 20,000 children receive education and care through Star of Hope.


Trusted for over 50 years to "make the right change happen".


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