
Fear in Haiti - Provide Food

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Tools can help us grow food. 

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Lunch keeps them in School 

ikon stjarnfadder activeMake a Huge Impact

Do you expect a tax refund this year? You have a choice. You can take "your" money and use it on yourself. Maybe you can use it pay off debt. Maybe invest it to make more money. Maybe do something or go somewhere you wouldn't normally.

Another option is to use it for greater good. Do something for someone else whom you might not even know. This year my wife and I have chosen to use the money that God has blessed us with to do more good. We have intentionally chosen to make a difference by helping with projects and needs. We are doing more than giving spontaneously.

Have you seen the commercials that make you aware of all the  "things" that are available and telling you that you need them and want them now? Instead of giving to yourself, why not do something special?

Have I intrigued you? Star of Hope has a number of projects that will really make a difference. Here is partial list. 

  • $360 will provide access to school for a child for a whole school year
  • $250 will provide a window for a church under construction in Haiti or Argentina
  • $6,000 will put a Bible in the hands of 300 children and provide teaching materials
  • $15,000 will provide for auditing and licensing to keep us growing here in the USA
  • $25,000 will finish the roof on a church in Argentina
  • $25,000 will fund a school based community health pilot project
  • $100,000 will complete repairs on 3 Haitian Churches
  • $150,000 will build a building for the new children's home
  • $2.5 million will build a Christian youth complex

We hope these have given you some ideas. Give Barry a call (866) 653-0321. He would love to talk with you.

Christmas Greetings
The gift of Christmas is not wrapped up in a shiny box. It began in a simple manger and now will break the chains of sinful bondage.

The beauty is that it is always there, one just has to accept it, and enjoy it for the rest of his or her life, here on earth and for eternity.
Rich blessings to you and yours.

star of hope and guidestar work to help our mission

Star of Hope has reached the GuideStar Exchange Silver Participation Level as a demonstration of Its Commitment to Transparency.

Star of Hope today received the GuideStar Exchange Silver participation level, a leading symbol of transparency and accountability provided by GuideStar USA, Inc., the premier source of nonprofit information. This level demonstrates Star of Hopes deep commitment to nonprofit transparency and accountability.

We have worked hard to showcase our progress toward our mission, and our long-held belief in being transparent about our work, to our constituents,As a GuideStar Exchange participant, we use their platform to share a wealth of up-to-date information about our work to our supporters and GuideStar's immense online audience of nonprofits, grantmakers, individual donors, and the media.

In order to be awarded the GuideStar Exchange logo, Star of Hope had to qualify at every level for a nonprofit on www.guidestar.org for the Silver level of participation. We encourage you to check out our profile on GuideStar to see what we're all about. We are engaged in exciting initiatives, and we are thrilled to have another platform for communicating our advancement and progress.

About the GuideStar Exchange

The GuideStar Exchange is an initiative designed to connect nonprofits with current and potential supporters. With millions of people coming to GuideStar to learn more about nonprofit organizations, the GuideStar Exchange allows nonprofits to share a wealth of up-to-date information with GuideStar's many audiences. Becoming a GuideStar Exchange participant is free of charge. To join, organizations need to update their report pages, completing all required fields for participation. The GuideStar Exchange level logos, acknowledged as symbols of transparency in the nonprofit sector, are displayed on all Exchange participants' nonprofit reports.






#GivingTuesday™ inspires personal philanthropy and encourages bigger, better and smarter charitable giving during the holiday season, showing that the world truly gives as good as it gets.


Now there is a new day on the calendar to prove that this bold new era of giving is here to stay this day is aptly named, #GivingTuesday. The # or hash tag is a tool that makes ‘givingtuesday’, easy to find and interact with on the internet.

The short story is "give" today to your favorite charity or cause. #GivingTuesday™ inspires personal philanthropy and encourages bigger, better and smarter charitable giving during the holiday season, showing that the world truly gives as good as it gets.

#GivingTuesday is a movement grown from a simple idea an idea where anyone, anywhere can join and be a participant in any way shape or form. Weather donating money, volunteering time or raising awareness of a cause you can be a part. 

Learn more about #givingtuesday at their website and please consider a small gift to starofhope for your givingtuesday giving.

Thank you


In a Hurry? Text   STAR   to   85944   to give $10 or




In This Newsletter:
• Christmas Gift Catalog
• Bible Class Starts in Romania
• Encourage Your Sponsor Child        
• Planning Year End Giving?
• Haiti Church Dedication

The 2013 Christmas Giving Catalog is in the Mail and online.
Ever thought about a gift that can change the world? It seems that every time I think of giving a gift, picking something that the recipient needs seems impossible. Here in the USA and Canada we are a blessed people. Few of us really are in need when we compare ourselves to the people living in places like Haiti, Romania or Argentina. Our needs seem to be very self-centered when we realize that a child in Haiti needs food or school supplies and has no idea how that need will be met.

Here is a way you can meet that need and give a gift in someone's name that will be remembered. Check out our 2013 Christmas Giving Catalog.
Want to know more? Check out our Shop

Bible Class Begins in Romania
Our staff in Romania was bubbling with excitement when they sent word that they have started the second Bible Classes. This one has eleven in attendance and is Iasi, Romania. Pray for these dear people as they hunger to know more of God. This class joins the group in Dorohoi who have had their classes ongoing for some time.
More information available: Read it here

Encourage Your Sponsor Child
Perhaps even more important than your donation making it possible for a child to go to school, is the encouragement your sponsorship brings to the child. Just the knowledge your child has that they have a sponsor is an encouragement. But just think what a note from you would do to encourage your child to dream dreams and work hard to be successful! Maybe this year is the year to send a Christmas card or greeting. If you don't have the information that was provided on how to write to your child, just contact us we will be happy to provide it.

If you are planning on sending in some additional amount to provide something for you child this Christmas, it's not too late. Just include the extra amount with your sponsorship gift and let us know that it is for Christmas. For those who have set up the automatic withdrawal, you may go to our web site, click on donate now and just make sure to write in the comment box that this is for Christmas for your sponsor child.

Year End Donation Planning
Many people look to the end of the year as a time for planned giving. Please keep Star of Hope in mind as you make those plans. Our auditors have made available a tax planning guide that might be useful.
Read the guide here: Read More

Haiti Church Dedication
Construction is complete and the people are so excited to dedicate their new facility to serving God. Sunday December 1, 2013 the congregation will dedicate the faculty and celebrate God's provision.
Check out the new facility and how it came to be.

Become a Sponsor right now, click here.


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January 12, 2010 is a day that will long live in the minds and hearts of the Haiti people. That day, late in the afternoon, time stopped for so many people. The earth shook and the man made structures collapsed all over the capital and the surrounding areas. In addition to the human toll, schools and church buildings also collapsed. Star of Hope donors from around the world rushed to help. In the communities where we work, the new school buildings began to take shape from the rubble. Stronger and better built, today these buildings shine as an example of what can be done when donors desire to help.

See the slide show showing the process

In the communities of Rigaud and Hesse, our partner's church buildings were also destroyed. In both communities the Pastors and people were adamant, the school first, because their children need education. And so it was. Donors, through Star of Hope, provided new buildings and repaired the ones that could be salvaged. During this time together we prayed that God would provide in His timing and in His way to meet the need of a place for the church to gather. On December 1, 2013 the people of Rigaud will meet to dedicate a beautiful church campus made possible by a donor in central Kansas. Pastor Samson wrote me and his broken English words express it all.-

"Dear Barry, when I look at the construction of the church of God, Rigaud I send out a glad cry to the Lord and tears of joy flowing in my eyes and I remember what you told me God will provide. Since the beginning of my ministry we were living in misery and poverty our neighborhood was devoid of any. I do not need you how much suffering we know. After the destruction of the temple by the earthquake I could not think of a beautiful building, but God will provide. Words fail me today to say thank you and to say thank you to the Star of Hope. Thank you to the donor and his family. The reconstruction of the church of Rigaud brings joy we never had before and this expression of joy is on the face of the people is extraordinary.
I wanted to wait for the inauguration present you my thanks, but in front of this great thing I am not able to keep my emotions I am speaking from my heart"
Celebrate with us as this new tool for ministry is dedicated on Sunday Dec 1, 2013.

Barry Borror
President & CEO

Help with the Church furnishings

Learn about corporate Giving

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Redy to start the project

Tony B from Haiti reports that the initial plan for the playground was to lay a concrete slab as a play area in the whole front school yard so it could be used for multiple activities: football, basketball and volleyball.

However on request of the school committee the plans have now been changed to a two part design. This will include the original slab and a natural playground area with playground equipment for the younger children. The work is in full swing and the kids can’t wait.

The happy kids who will have a playground

It is Soderberg & Partners who sponsored this project. It is not the first time that Soderberg & partners participates in SOH reconstruction projects. Dano community and Star of Hope are very thankful to Soderberg & partners for their commitment in the benefit of many hundreds of children that attend Dano school.

This project creates jobs, among the 30 jobs created 9 people come from outside of Dano and 21 from Dano. The work will last 3 months and will be ongoing during school, however all measures will be taken to keep children safe during the construction period.

Hand work, hard work

The inauguration is scheduled for Christmas 2013 ill be sure to send photos of the finished product!

Give a gift to our work in Haiti

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Did you know that...

18 landerYour generosity expands Star of Hope's reach to 15 countries worldwide. Thanks to you, we're making a global impact.

30000 barn

Because of people like you, more than 20,000 children receive education and care through Star of Hope.


Trusted for over 50 years to "make the right change happen".


IRS 501 (c)(3)


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